Proceratophrys velhochico Mângia, Magalhães, Leite, Cavalheri, and Garda, 2022

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Odontophrynidae > Genus: Proceratophrys > Species: Proceratophrys velhochico

Proceratophrys velhochico Mângia, Magalhães, Leite, Cavalheri, and Garda, 2022, J. Herpetol., 56: 123. Holotype: ZUFMS-AMP13650, by original designaiton. Type locality: "Delfino district, Campo Formoso municipality, Bahia state (10°19′2.27″S, 41°9′11.62″W; 850 m a.s.l.)". 

Common Names

None noted. 


Known only from two sites (above 800 m elevation) within the Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Boqueirão da Onça, Campo Formoso and Umburanas municipalities, Bahia State, Brazil. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Brazil

Endemic: Brazil


Adult and larval morphology, adult morphometrics, call, habitat, and molecular markers detailed in the original publication. 

External links:

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