Lissotriton graecus (Wolterstorff, 1906)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Caudata > Family: Salamandridae > Subfamily: Pleurodelinae > Genus: Lissotriton > Species: Lissotriton graecus

Triton vulgaris graeca Wolterstorff, 1906, Zool. Anz., 29: 137. Syntypes: MM; destroyed 16 January 1945 (Tyler, Fucsko, and Roberts, 2023, Zootaxa, 5230: 162). SMF 1038 (presumably exchanged from MM) designated lectotype by Mertens, 1967, Senckenb. Biol., 48(A): 38. Type locality: "Korfu", Greece.

Triton vulgaris intermedia Kolombatovic, 1907, Glasn. Hrvatsk. Naravosl. Drustva, Zagreb, 19: 13. Holotype: Not stated or known to exist. Type locality: "Karakasika al nord di Sinj", Dalmatia, Croatia. Placed in this synonymy provisionally on the basis of geography (DRF).

Triton vulgaris dalmatica Kolombatovic, 1907, Glasn. Hrvatsk. Naravosl. Drustva, Zagreb, 19: 11. Type(s): Not stated or known to exist. Type locality: "valle del Fiume Cetina", near Sinj, Dalmatia, Croatia. Distinctiveness from Lissotriton vulgaris vulgaris rejected by Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2009, Alytes, 26: 40, but placed in this synonymy by Raffaëlli, 2022, Salamanders & Newts of the World: 351.

Triton vulgaris graeca forma tomasinii Wolterstorff, 1908, Lacerta, 6: 23. Syntypes: MM, by original designation; destroyed in W.W.II according to Brame and Gorham, 1972, Checklist Living & Fossil Salamand. World (Unpubl. MS): 109. Type locality: "Teodo di Cattaro", Dalmatia, Croatia. Unavailable tetranominal.

Triton vulgaris graeca forma corcyrensis Wolterstorff, 1908, Lacerta, 6: 23. Syntypes: MM, by original designation; destroyed in W.W.II according to Brame and Gorham, 1972, Checklist Living & Fossil Salamand. World (Unpubl. MS): 109. Type locality: "Korfu" Island, Greece. Unavailable tetranominal.

Triton meridionalis var. graecaSchreiber, 1912, Herpetol. Eur., Ed. 2: 82.

Triton vulgaris graecaWolterstorff, 1912, Bl. Aquar. Terrarienkd., Stuttgart, 23: 190.

Triton meridionalis var. graeca forma tomasiniiSchreiber, 1912, Herpetol. Eur., Ed. 2: 79.

Triton vulgaris forma schreiberi Wolterstorff, 1914, Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat. Heimatkd. Magdeburg, 2: 371. Syntypes: MM (all except lectotype destroyed in WWII); MM 615 designated lectotype by Bischoff, 1977, Bonn. Zool. Beitr., 28: 117-121. Type locality: "Bokanjacko blato, einem grossen Sumpf bei Zara", Croatia. Placed in this synonymy provisionally on the basis of geography (DRF).

Triton vulgaris forma schreiberiWolterstorff, 1925, Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat. Heimatkd. Magdeburg, 4: 275.

Triton (Palaeotriton) vulgaris graecusBolkay, 1927, Glasn. Zemaljskog Muz. Bosni Hercegov., 39: 63. Bolkay, 1928, Z. Anat. Entwicklungesch., 86: 259.

Triturus vulgaris graecusMertens and Müller, 1928, Abh. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges., 41: 13.

Triturus vulgaris tomasiniiMertens and Müller, 1928, Abh. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges., 41: 13. Mertens and Müller, 1940, Abh. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges., 451: 11.

Triturus vulgaris schreiberiMertens and Müller, 1940, Abh. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges., 451: 11.

Triturus meridionalis graecaBodenheimer, 1944, Istanbul Univ. Fen. Fak. Mec., Seri B, 9: 6.

Lissotriton graecusDubois and Raffaëlli, 2009, Alytes, 26: 40; Pabijan, Zieliński, Dudek, Stuglik, and Babik, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 116: 1; Wielstra, Canestrelli, Cvijanovíc, Denoël, Fijarczyk, Jablonski, Liana, Naumov, Olgun, Pabijan, Pezzarossa, Popgeorgiev, Salvi, Si, Sillero, Sotiropoulos, Zieliński, and Babik, 2018, Amphibia-Reptilia, 39: 252. 

Lissotriton (Lissotriton) (vulgaris) graecusDubois and Raffaëlli, 2009, Alytes, 26: 66.

Lissotriton graecus dalmaticus — Raffaëlli, 2022, Salamanders & Newts of the World: 351.

Common Names

Greek Newt (Steward, 1969, Tailed Amph. Eur.: 40).

Schreiber's Smooth Newt (Steward, 1969, Tailed Amph. Eur.: 40).

Greek Smooth Newt (Wielstra, Canestrelli, Cvijanovíc, Denoël, Fijarczyk, Jablonski, Liana, Naumov, Olgun, Pabijan, Pezzarossa, Popgeorgiev, Salvi, Si, Sillero, Sotiropoulos, Zieliński, and Babik, 2018, Amphibia-Reptilia, 39: 254). 


Dalmatian coast of central Croatia, south through Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, southern Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Albania to and including most of Greece.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia


Razzetti, Andreone, Corti, and Sindaco, 2006, in Sindaco et al. (ed.), Atlas Ital. Amph. Rept.: 162, suggested that evidence provided by Pellarini and Lapini, 2000, Atti del I Congr. Naz. Soc. Herpetol. Italica, Torino, 1996, Atti del I Congr. Naz. della Soc. Herpetol. Italica, Mus. Reg. Sci. Nat. Torino:  347–351, suggested that Lissotriton vulgaris vulgaris and Lissotriton vulgaris meridionalis may be distinct species. This was formalized by Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2009, Alytes, 26: 39–40. Valakos, Pafilis, Sotiropoulos, Lymberakis, Maragou, and Foufopoulos, 2008, Amph. Rept. Greece: 151–154, provided an account for Greece (as Lissotriton vulgaris). Documented zone of intergradation/hybridization on the eastern part of its range with Lissotriton vulgaris; see comment under Lissotriton vulgaris. Speybroeck, Beukema, and Crochet, 2010, Zootaxa, 2492: 3, discussed the problematic nature of the evidence supporting recognition of this taxon and refrained from recognizing it as a species distinct from Lissotriton vulgaris in part based on an adherence to the biological species concept. Raffaëlli, 2013, Urodeles du Monde, 2nd ed.: 122–123, provided a brief account, photo, and map. Szabolcs, Mizsei, Jablonski, Vági, Mester, Végvári, and Lengyel, 2017, Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 435–448, provided a dot map and discussion of range in Albania. Wielstra, Canestrelli, Cvijanovíc, Denoël, Fijarczyk, Jablonski, Liana, Naumov, Olgun, Pabijan, Pezzarossa, Popgeorgiev, Salvi, Si, Sillero, Sotiropoulos, Zieliński, and Babik, 2018, Amphibia-Reptilia, 39: 252–259, reviewed the relevant taxonomic literature of the Lissotriton vulgaris complex and provided a range map, noting the narrow hybrid zone with Lissotriton vulgaris. See Dufresnes, 2019, Amph. Eur., N. Afr., & Middle East: 123, for brief summary of identifying morphology and biology, a range map, as well as a photograph. See Speybroeck, Beukema, Dufresnes, Fritz, Jablonski, Lymberakis, Martínez-Solano, Razzetti, Vamberger, Vences, Vörös, and Crochet, 2020, Amphibia-Reptilia, 41: 144, for taxonomic comments. Raffaëlli, 2022, Salamanders & Newts of the World: 350–351, provided an account, summarizing systematics, life history, population status, and distribution (including a polygon map). 

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