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Siphonops paulensis Boettger, 1892
Siphonops paulensis Boettger, 1892, Kat. Batr. Samml. Mus. Senckenb. Naturforsch. Ges.: 62. Syntypes: SMF 2102.1a--c, NHMB 1078 (formerly SMF 2102.1b) (the fifth syntype apparently lost); SMF 2102.a designated lectotype by Mertens, 1922, Senckenb. Biol., 4: 163; by implication; Mertens, 1967, Senckenb. Biol., 48(A): 37, noted that this specimen renumbered SMF 21 and considered it to be the lectotype. Type locality: "São Paulo, [Estado de São Paulo,] Brasilien".
Siphonops paulensis paulensis — Sawaya, 1937, Bol. Fac. Fil. Sci. Letr. Univ. São Paulo, Zool., 1: 240.
Siphonops paulensis var. maculatus Sawaya, 1937, Bol. Fac. Fil. Sci. Letr. Univ. São Paulo, Zool., 1: 240. Syntypes: 2 specimens, presumably MZUSP. Type locality: Not stated. Suggested to be Teresopolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, by Dunn, 1942, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 91: 488, who doubted the distinctiveness of this taxon.
Common Names
Boettger's Caecilian (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 25).
Tropical dry forest of Brazil south of the Amazon Basin, northeastern Argentina, eastern Paraguay, and eastern and northern Bolivia; one record north of the Amazon at Oriximiná, Pará, Brazil.
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay
See brief account by Taylor, 1970, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 48: 855-860. França e Souza, Silva, and Silva, 2002, Herpetol. Rev., 33: 147, provided additional Brazilian localities. Weiler, Núñez, Airaldi, Lavilla, Peris, and Baldo, 2013, Anf. Paraguay: 27, provided a brief account, image, and dot map for Paraguay. Brusquetti and Lavilla, 2006, Cuad. Herpetol., 20: 7, briefly discussed the range in Paraguay and provided the first record based on a voucher. Faria and Mott, 2011, Herpetol. Notes, 4: 53-56, discussed the range in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Almeida, Nascimento, Torquato da Silva, Lisboa, Tiburcio, Palmeira, Lima, and Mott, 2016, Herpetol. Notes, 9: 134, provided a record for Alagoas, Brazil. Mott, Correia, Almeida, Lisboa, and Guarnieri, 2016, Check List, 12 (3: 1884): 1–4, provided a dot map and new records for the species, including that from north of the Amazon at Oriximiná, Pará, Brazil. Silva, Oliveira, Ávila, and Gaiotti, 2016, Herpetol. Rev., 47: 243, provided a record from Chapada do Araripe in Ceará, Brazil, and discussed the range in northeastern Brazil. Vaz-Silva, Maciel, Nomura, Morais, Guerra Batista, Santos, Andrade, Oliveira, Brandão, and Bastos, 2020, Guia Ident. Anf. Goiás e Dist. Fed. Brasil Central: 184, provided an account for Goias, Brazil. Rivas, Eversole, and Powell, 2023, Reptiles & Amphibians, 30 (e21206): 1–3, provided a genetically-confirmed record from Renacer, Municipality of San Javier. , Province Cercado, Beni, Bolivia. Malheiro, Cardoso, Wachlevski, and Coelho-Lima, 2024, Herpetol. Rev., 55: 38, reported the species from Moita dos Porcos, Municipality of Caetité, Bahia, Brazil, 1018 m elevation.
External links:
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- For access to general information see Wikipedia
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- For access to relevant technical literature search Google Scholar
- For images search CalPhoto Images and Google Images
- To search the NIH genetic sequence database, see GenBank
- For additional information see AmphibiaWeb report
- For information on conservation status and distribution see the IUCN Redlist
- For information on distribution, habitat, and conservation see the Map of Life
- For related information on conservation and images as well as observations see iNaturalist