Centrolene kutuku Ron, García, Brito-Zapata, Reyes- Puig, Figueroa-Coronel, and Cisneros-Heredia, 2024

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Centrolenidae > Subfamily: Centroleninae > Genus: Centrolene > Species: Centrolene kutuku

Centrolene kutuku Ron, García, Brito-Zapata, Reyes-Puig, Figueroa-Coronel, and Cisneros-Heredia, 2024, Zoosyst. Evol., 100: 932. Holotype: QCAZ-A 71386, by original designation. Type locality: "República del Ecuador, provincia de Morona Santiago, cantón Santiago de Mendez, parroquia San Francisco de Chinimbimi, Cordillera del Kutukú, sector Puchimi, 22 km ESE Santiago de Mendez (2.7901°S, 78.1266°W, 2264 m elevation)". Zoobank Publication Registration: E07EDFEB-3798-490F-B676-C912AE951C92

Common Names

Rana de Cristal de Kutukú (original publication). 

Kutukú Glassfrog (original publication). 


Known only from the type locality (22 km east-southeast of Santiago de Mendez, Cordillera del Kutukú, Provincia de Morona Santiago, Ecuador, 2264 m elevation), although the range is expected to be larger. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Ecuador

Endemic: Ecuador


Comparative adult morphology molecular markers, and natural history detailed in the original publication, where it was noted that this species is the sister taxon of Centrolene camposi in their Clade B; the advertisement call and larval morphology remain undescribed.  

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