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Rana omeimontis Ye and Fei, 1993
Rana omeimontis Ye and Fei In Ye, Fei, and Hu, 1993, Rare and Economic Amph. China: 218-220. Holotype: CIB 638893, by original designation. Type locality: Mt. Omei, altitude 1400 m, Sichuan, China.
Rana (Rana) omeimontis — Yuan, Zhou, Chen, Poyarkov, Chen, Jang-Liaw, Chou, Matzke, Iizuka, Min, Kuzmin, Zhang, Cannatella, Hillis, and Che, 2016, Syst. Biol., 65: 835.
Common Names
Omei Brown Frog (Fei, 1999, Atlas Amph. China: 152).
Omei Wood Frog (Fei, 1999, Atlas Amph. China: 152).
Mountains of Sichuan, Chongqing, southwestern Hubei, Guizhou, and western Hunan, China.
Geographic Occurrence
Natural Resident: China, People's Republic of
Endemic: China, People's Republic of
Discussed, as Rana japonica, by Vogt, 1924, Zool. Anz., 60: 339, and as Rana japonica japonica by Chang and Hsü, 1932, Contrib. Biol. Lab. Sci. Soc., China, Zool. Ser., 8: 151; Liu and Hu, 1960 "1959", Acta Zool. Sinica, 11: 509; and Liu and Hu, 1961, Tailless Amph. China: 177. See accounts by Ye, Fei, and Hu, 1993, Rare and Economic Amph. China: 218; and Fei, 1999, Atlas Amph. China: 152. Fei and Ye, 2001, Color Handbook Amph. Sichuan: 168-169, provided a brief account and illustration. Regarded as close to Rana chaochiaoensis and in the Rana japonica group by Xie, Fei, and Ye, 2000, Cultum Herpetol. Sinica, 8: 74-80. In the Rana longicrus group of Fei, Ye, Huang, Jiang, and Xie, 2005, in Fei et al. (eds.), Illust. Key Chinese Amph.: 105. Li, Lu, and Li, 2005, Sichuan J. Zool., 24: 268-270, provided a distribution map for China. Lu, Li, Wang, Wang, and Cui, 2005, Sichuan J. Zool., 24: 276-278, discussed specimens from Shandong which they suggested were close to this species. Fei, Hu, Ye, and Huang, 2009, Fauna Sinica, Amph. 3: 989-995, provided an account, figures, and map, and included the species in their Rana longicrus group. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2010, Colored Atlas of Chinese Amph.: 278-279, provided a brief account including photographs of specimens and habitat. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2012, Colored Atlas Chinese Amph. Distr.: 314–315, provided an account, photographs, and a range map for China. Shen, 2014, Fauna Hunan, Amph.: 207–210, provided a detailed account for Hunan, China. Jiang, Zhang, Deng, Xu, Shi, Jia, Lai, Ruan, and Chen, 2020, Ecol. Evol., 10: 12817–12837, reported on the mitochondrial genome of this species and phylogenetics of Ranidae.
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- To search the NIH genetic sequence database, see GenBank
- For additional information see AmphibiaWeb report
- For information on conservation status and distribution see the IUCN Redlist
- For information on distribution, habitat, and conservation see the Map of Life
- For related information on conservation and images as well as observations see iNaturalist
- For additional information specific to China see Amphibia China