Hynobius chinensis Günther, 1889

Class: Amphibia > Order: Caudata > Family: Hynobiidae > Subfamily: Hynobiinae > Genus: Hynobius > Species: Hynobius chinensis

Hynobius chinensis Günther, 1889, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 6, 4: 222. Syntypes: BMNH 1946.9.6.54–55 (formerly 1889.6.25–26) according to Brame and Gorham, 1972, Checklist Living & Fossil Salamand. World (Unpubl. MS): 5, and museum records; BMNH 1946.9.6.54 designated lectotype by Adler and Zhao, 1990, Asiat. Herpetol. Res., 3: 38. Type locality: "Ichang" (= Yichang), Hubei Province, China (locality discussed by Adler and Zhao, 1990, Asiat. Herpetol. Res., 3: 37–39).

Hynobius (Hynobius) chinensisDubois and Raffaëlli, 2012, Alytes, 28: 77–161.

Common Names

中国小鲵  [Chinese Salamander] (Wang, Ren, Chen, Lyu, Guo, Jiang, Chen, Li, Guo, Wang, and Che, 2020, Biodiversity Sci., 28: App. 1: 1).

Chinese Salamander (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 28).

Chinese Hynobiid (Fei, 1999, Atlas Amph. China: 28; Fei and Ye, 2016, Amph. China, 1: 160).


Known only from the vicinity of the type locality in west-central region of the Yichang Region (Changyang, Yichang County), Hubei Province, China, up to 1400 m elevation.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: China, People's Republic of

Endemic: China, People's Republic of


Not assigned to species group by Thorn, 1968, Salamand. Eur. Asie Afr. Nord: 37. See accounts by Pope, 1931, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 61: 426, and Adler and Zhao, 1990, Asiat. Herpetol. Res., 3: 37–39 (including Hynobius yiwuensis as a synonym). See account by Thorn and Raffaëlli, 2000, Salamand. Ancien Monde: 85–88. Fu, Hayes, Liu, and Zeng, 2003, Acta Zool. Sinica, 49: 585–591, provided a discussion of molecular evidence for the distinctiveness of the species and ranges of Hynobius yiwuensis and Hynobius chinensis. In the Hynobius leechii group of Fei and Ye, 2005, in Fei et al. (eds.), Illust. Key Chinese Amph.: 30 (who only addressed Chinese species). Fei, Hu, Ye, and Huang, 2006, Fauna Sinica, Amph. 1: 158–160, provided an account. Wang, Wu, Zhang, Wang, Liu, Wu, and Zhu, 2007, Sichuan J. Zool., 26: 57–58, reported on a topotype, documenting its presence at the type locality, from which it had not been seen for 116 years. See brief account by Raffaëlli, 2007, Les Urodèles du Monde: 44. See photograph, map, description of geographic range and habitat, and conservation status in Stuart, Hoffmann, Chanson, Cox, Berridge, Ramani, and Young, 2008, Threatened Amph. World: 550. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2010, Colored Atlas of Chinese Amph.: 40–41, provided a brief account, photographs of specimens as well as habitat shots. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2012, Colored Atlas Chinese Amph. Distr.: 34–35, provided an account, photographs, and map for China. Raffaëlli, 2013, Urodeles du Monde, 2nd ed.: 62, provided a brief account, photo, and map. Sparreboom, 2014, Salamanders Old World: 57–58, reviewed the biology, characteristics, distribution, reproduction, and conservation of the species. See account by Fei and Ye, 2016, Amph. China, 1: 160–161. Raffaëlli, 2022, Salamanders & Newts of the World: 74–75, provided an account, summarizing systematics, life history, and distribution (including a polygon map).  

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