Salamandra Garsault, 1764

Class: Amphibia > Order: Caudata > Family: Salamandridae > Subfamily: Salamandrinae > Genus: Salamandra
6 species

Salamandra Garsault, 1764, Fig. Plantes et Animaux: pl. 673. Type species: Not designated. Salamandra terrestris Bonnaterre, 1789 (= Salamandra salamandra), designated type species by Dubois and Bour, 2010, Zootaxa, 2447: 29.

Salamandra Laurenti, 1768, Spec. Med. Exhib. Synops. Rept.: 41. Type species: Salamandra maculosa Laurenti, 1768, by subsequent designation of Fitzinger, 1843, Syst. Rept.: 33.

Dehmiella Herre and Lunau, 1950, Neues Jarhb. Mineral. Geol. Palaeont., 1950: 248. Type species: Dehmiella schindewolfi Herre and Lunau, 1950, by monotypy. Fossil taxon. Synonymy by XXX.

Algiandra Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2009, Alytes, 26: 60. Type species: Salamandra maculosa var. algira Bedriaga, 1883, by original designation. Coined as a subgenus of Salamandra.

Alpandra Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2009, Alytes, 26: 62. Type species: Salamandra atra Laurenti, 1768, by original designation. Coined as a subgenus of Salamandra.

Corsandra Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2009, Alytes, 26: 62. Type species: Salamandra corsica Savi, 1838, by original designation. Coined as a subgenus of Salamandra.

Mimandra Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2009, Alytes, 26: 62. Type species: Salamandra lanzai Nascetti, Andreone, Capula, and Bullini, 1988, by original designation. Coined as a subgenus of Salamandra.

Oriandra Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2009, Alytes, 26: 63. Type species: Salamandra maculosa var. infraimmaculata Martens, 1885, by original designation. Coined as a subgenus of Salamandra.

Common Names

Fire Salamanders (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 35).


Middle and southern Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia.


See comments under Mertensiella and Lyciasalamandra. Veith, 1996, Amphibia-Reptilia, 17: 174–177, provided a summary of recent phylogenetic work in this taxon. Thorn and Raffaëlli, 2000, Salamand. Ancien Monde: 161–190, provided accounts for the species. Steinfartz, 2003, in Grossenbacher and Thiesmeier (eds.), Handbuch Rept. Amph. Eur., 4(IIB): 969–973, provided a general account. Pyron and Wiens, 2011, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 61: 543–583, on the basis of a study of legacy DNA sequences suggested a tree of the species. Sparreboom, 2014, Salamanders Old World: 311–334, reviewed the biology, characteristics, distribution, reproduction, and conservation of the species. Vences, Sanchez, Hauswaldt, Eikelmann, Rodriguez, Carranza, Donaire-Barroso, Gehara, Helfer, Lötters, Werner, Schulz, and Steinfartz, 2014, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 73: 208–216, provided a Bayesian tree of molecular evidence for the phylogeny of the group, resulting in a preferred phylogeny of Salamandra lanzai + ((Salamandra atra + Salamandra corsica) + (Salamandra infraimmaculata + (Salamandra algira + Salamandra salamandra [including Salamandra longirostris]))), although resolution around the basal stems is weak. Rodriguez, Burgon, Lyra, Irisarri, Baurain, Blaustein, Göçmen, Künzel, Mable, Nolte, Veith, Steinfartz, Elmer, Philippe, and Vences, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 115: 16–26, on the basis of more evidence suggested a tree of Salamandra infraimmaculata + (Salamandra algira + Salamandra salamdnra) + (Salamandra corsica + (Salamandra atra + Salamandra lanzai)). Raffaëlli, 2020, Bull. Soc. Herpetol. France, 174: 1–18, formulated a nomenclature/taxonomy of species within the genus based on the molecular work of Steinfartz, Veith, and Tautz, 2000, Mol. Ecol., 9: 397–410; García-París, Alcobendas, Buckley, and Wake, 2003, Evolution, 57: 129–143; Escoriza and Comas, 2007, Salamandra, 43: 77–90; Weisrock, Papenfuss, Macey, Litvinchuk, Polymeni, Uğurtaş, Zhao, Jowkar, and Larson, 2006, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 41: 368–383; and Donaire-Barroso, González de la Vega, Tejedo, and Gómez-Ramírez, 2019, Butll. Soc. Catalana Herpetol., 27: 101–106. Mulder, Alarcón-Ríos, Nicieza, Fleischer, Bell, and Velo-Antón, 2022, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 167 (107347): 1–11, reported on molecular phylogenetics of the species and subspecies with special reference to the evolution of puerparity (birth of transformed young). Raffaëlli, 2022, Salamanders & Newts of the World: 185–235, provided species accounts, summarizing systematics, life history, population status, and distribution (including a polygon map). 

Contained taxa (6 sp.):

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