Nymphargus chami (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Centrolenidae > Subfamily: Centroleninae > Genus: Nymphargus > Species: Nymphargus chami

Cochranella chami Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995, Lozania, 63: 5. Holotype: ICN 32079, by original designation. Type locality: "Departamento de Risaralda, municipio de Mistrató, corregimiento Puerto de Oro, quebradas 'Carbones' y 'Ventanas', vertiente occidental de la Cordillera Occidental, 5° 25′ latitud N, 76° 0′ W de Greenwich, 1060-1140 m", Colombia.

Nymphargus chamiCisneros-Heredia and McDiarmid, 2007, Zootaxa, 1572: 34.

Common Names

None noted.


Western slope of the Cordillera Occidental in Colombia in the departments of Antioquia, Caldas, and Risaralda, 800-1280 m elevation.

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: Colombia

Endemic: Colombia


In the Cochranella ocellata group according to the original publication. Díaz-Ricaurte and Guevara-Molina, 2022, Stud. Neotrop. Fauna Environ., 57: 51–65, provided a records from Caldas and Antioquia, Colombia, and provided natural history notes, and noted. Duarte-Marín, Rada, Rivera-Correa, Caorsi, Barona-Cortés, González-Durán, and Vargas-Salinas, 2023, Bioacoustics, 32: 143–180, reported on the advertisement call. 

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