Lyciasalamandra Veith and Steinfartz, 2004

Class: Amphibia > Order: Caudata > Family: Salamandridae > Subfamily: Salamandrinae > Genus: Lyciasalamandra
7 species

Lyciasalamandra Veith and Steinfartz, 2004, Salamandra, 40: 71. Type species: Molge luschani Steindachner, 1891, by original designation.

Common Names

None noted.


Restricted to the southwestern coast of Türkiye and nearby Aegean Islands (including Kastellorizon, Karpathos, Saria, and Kasos, in Greece).


 Başoğlu and Özeti, 1973, Türkiye Amphibileri: 38-40, provided an account for the Turkish populations. Özeti and Yilmaz, 1994, Türkiye Amfibileri: 55-60, provided an account for Turkish populations (as Mertensiella luschani) and also provided a key to the species (as subspecies). See Baran and Üncüncü, 1994, Mertensiella, 4: 33-40, for characterization and distribution of subsidiary taxa (as subspecies of Mertensiella luschani) in Türkiye. Titus and Larson, 1995, Syst. Biol., 44: 125-151, suggested that Mertensiella might be paraphyletic with respect to Salamandra and ChioglossaVeith, Steinfartz, Zardoya, Seitz, and Meyer, 1998, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res., 36: 7-16, firmly supported the notion that it must be either para- or polyphyletic, with Mertensiella caucasica closer to Chioglossa lusitanica, and Mertensiella luschani the sister taxon of SalamandraSteinfartz and Mutz, 1999, in Grossenbacher and Thiesmeier (eds.), Handbuch Rept. Amph. Eur., 4(1): 367-397, provided a review of the biology (as Mertensiella luschani). Weisrock, Macey, Uğurtaş, Larson, and Papenfuss, 2001, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 18: 434-448, corroborated the generic arrangement of Veith et al. (1998) and placed Mertensiella luschani in Salamandra. They also provided a discussion of phylogenetics of the species (as races of Mertensiella luschani) and their relationship to the other species of Salamandra and noted that Salamandra luschani represents a species complex. Veith, Baran, Godmann, Kiefer, Öz, and Tunç, 2001, Zool. Middle East, 22: 67-82, discussed the ecological and geographical distribution.Thorn and Raffaëlli, 2000, Salamand. Ancien Mondeezembed: 191-203, provided an account. Veith and Steinfartz, 2004, Salamandra, 40: 67–80, summarized the taxonomic history of this group and provided a revision, recognizing most of the former subspecies as species. Weisrock, Papenfuss, Macey, Litvinchuk, Polymeni, Uğurtaş, Zhao, Jowkar, and Larson, 2006, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 41: 855-857, on the basis of DNA sequence evidence found Lyciasalamandra to be the sister taxon of SalamandraVeith, Lipscher, Öz, Kiefer, Baran, Polymeni, and Steinfartz, 2008, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 47: 916-931, reported on biogeography and phylogenetics among the species. Pyron and Wiens, 2011, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 61: 543-583, on the basis of a study of legacy DNA sequences also provided an estimate of the relationship of the species. Rödder, Lötters, Öz, Bogaerts, Eleftherakos, and Veith, 2011, Organisms Divers. Evol., 11: 409-423, reported on climatic niche similarity among the species. Göçmen, Veith, Akman, Godmann, İǧci, and Oğuz, 2013, North-West. J. Zool., Romania, 9: 67–80, provided new records and dot maps of the species. Sparreboom, 2014, Salamanders Old World: 241–251, reviewed the biology, characteristics, distribution, reproduction, and conservation of the species. Mezzasalma, Odierna, Petraccioli, Veith, and Guarino, 2021, Animals, 11 (1709): 1–14, discussed karyological evolution in the genus. Raffaëlli, 2022, Salamanders & Newts of the World: 234–255, provided species accounts, summarizing systematics, life history, population status, and distribution (including polygon maps). 

Contained taxa (7 sp.):

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