Nanorana parkeri (Stejneger, 1927)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Dicroglossidae > Subfamily: Dicroglossinae > Genus: Nanorana > Species: Nanorana parkeri

Altirana parkeri Stejneger, 1927, J. Washington Acad. Sci., 17: 318. Holotype: USNM 72328, by original designation. Type locality: "Tingri, [north of Mount Everest,] Tibet, at 15,000 feet altitude", Xizang, China.

Rana (Altirana) parkeriDubois, 1974, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, Ser. 3, Zool., 213: 377.

Nanorana (Altirana) parkeriDubois, 1992, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 61: 322; Ohler and Dubois, 2006, Zoosystema, 28: 781.

Nanorana parkeriLü and Yang, 1995, Asiat. Herpetol. Res., 6: 69–72; Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2010, Herpetol. Sinica, 12: 25.

Nanorana (Nanorana) parkeriChe, Zhou, Hu, Papenfuss, Wake, and Zhang, 2010, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Suppl. Inform., doi:10.1073/pnas.1008415107/-/DCSupplemental: 2; Hofmann, Baniya, Litvinchuk, Miehe, Li, and Schmidt, 2019, Ecol. Evol., 9: 14506.

Nanorana bangdaensis Rao, Hui, Zhu, and Ma in Rao, 2022 "2020", in Zhu and Rao (eds.), Atlas Wildlife SW China: 433. Holotype: KIZ-RA160010, by original designation. Type locality: Bangda, Qamdo Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Synonymy by Jablonski and Hofmann, 2024, Alytes, 41: 45.

Nanorana (Nanorana) arnoldi — Tang, Liu, and Yu, 2023, Animals, 13(3427): 17. 

Common Names

High Himalaya Frog (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 97; Schleich, Anders, and Kästle, 2002, in Schleich and Kästle (eds.), Amph. Rept. Nepal: 79; Li, Zhao, and Dong, 2010, Amph. Rept. Tibet: 46).

Xizang Plateau Frog (Fei, 1999, Atlas Amph. China: 226).

Parker's Slow Frog (Shrestha, 2001, Herpetol. Nepal: 87; Li, Zhao, and Dong, 2010, Amph. Rept. Tibet: 46).

Mountain Slow Frog (Shrestha, 2001, Herpetol. Nepal: 87; Li, Zhao, and Dong, 2010, Amph. Rept. Tibet: 46).


Southern third of Tibet to southern-most Qinghai (China) and high elevations of north-central Nepal; expected in Himalayan Bhutan and Sikkim, India. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: China, People's Republic of, Nepal

Likely/Controversially Present: Bhutan


See accounts (as Altirana parkeri) by Liu, 1950, Fieldiana, Zool. Mem., 2: 329–330; Liu and Hu, 1961, Tailless Amph. China: 217–220; and Dubois, 1974, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris, Ser. 3, Zool., 213: 377. See accounts by Ye, Fei, and Hu, 1993, Rare and Economic Amph. China: 299; and Fei, 1999, Atlas Amph. China: 226–227. See also brief account by Zhao and Yang, 1997, Amph. Rept. Hengduan Mountains Region: 103–104. Anders, 2002, in Schleich and Kästle (eds.), Amph. Rept. Nepal: 257–259, provided an account for the Nepal population. See brief account (as Rana parkeri) by Shrestha, 2001, Herpetol. Nepal: 87. Li, Lu, Li, Zhao, Hou, and Zhang, 2005, Sichuan J. Zool., 24: 248, provided additional localities in Xizang. Chen, Liu, Jiang, Xie, and Zheng, 2005, Herpetol. Sinica, 10: 47–51, discussed the distinctiveness of this species and provided a map (mislabeled in map as Nanorana pleskei). Pisanets and Pisanets, 2007, Rep. Zool. Mus., Kiev, 39: 57–62, reported on karyotypic variation. Fei, Hu, Ye, and Huang, 2009, Fauna Sinica, Amph. 3: 1457–1463, provided an account for China, figures, and map. Das and Dutta, 2007, Hamadryad, 31: 154–181, noted a few larval descriptions in the literature of varying completeness. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2010, Colored Atlas of Chinese Amph.: 388, provided a brief account including photographs. Li, Zhao, and Dong, 2010, Amph. Rept. Tibet: 46–47, provided an account for Xizang, China. See Shah and Tiwari, 2004, Herpetofauna Nepal: 60, for brief account. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2012, Colored Atlas Chinese Amph. Distr.: 481, provided an account (as Feirana taihangnica), photographs, and a range map. Sun, Xiong, Xiang, Liu, Zhou, Tu, Zhong, Wang, Wu, Zhang, Zhu, Yang, Chen, Li, Zhou, Feng, Huang, Zhang, Irwin, Hillis, Murphy, Yang, Che, Wang, and Zhang, 2015, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA: E1257–E1262, reported on the whole-genome sequence. Liu, Wang, Fu, Hu, Xie, Liu, Zhang, and Li, 2015, Sci. Rep. (Nature, London), 5(9857): 1–9, reported on mtDNA phylogeography. Wang, Zhang, Zhou, Li, Jin, Shao, Yang, Liu, Yan, Chen, Jin, Gao, Zhang, Li, Mao, Murphy, Wake, Zhang, and Che, 2018, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 115 (22:E5057): 1–10, reported on the molecular phylogeography of the species suggested multiple lineages that are morphologically indistinguishable. Che, Jiang, Yan, and Zhang, 2020, Amph. Rept. Tibet: 277–285, provided a detailed account for Tibet, China. Khatiwada, Wang, Zhao, Xie, and Jiang, 2021, Asian Herpetol. Res., 12: 1–35, did not include this species in their list of Nepal amphibians, a curious lapse. Citation by authors of Dutta, 1997, Amph. India Sri Lanka: xxx, for a record from Kashmir appears to be in error. Jablonski and Hofmann, 2024, Alytes, 41: 45, discussed the status of Nanorana bangdaensis

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