Boulenophrys palpebralespinosa (Bourret, 1937)

Class: Amphibia > Order: Anura > Family: Megophryidae > Subfamily: Megophryinae > Genus: Boulenophrys > Species: Boulenophrys palpebralespinosa

Megophrys palpebralespinosa Bourret, 1937, Annexe Bull. Gen. Instr. Publique, Hanoi, 1937: 16. Syntypes: Lab. Sci. Univ. Hanoi B. 34, 146-149, 201, by original designation; now MNHNP 48.114–116 according to Guibé, 1950 "1948", Cat. Types Amph. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat.: 12). Type locality: "Chapa" [= Sa Pa District, Lao Cai,] Tonkin, Vietnam.

Megophrys (Megophrys) palpebralespinosaDubois, 1980, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 49: 472. 

Panophrys palpebralespinosaRao and Yang, 1997, Asiat. Herpetol. Res., 7: 98-99; Lyu, Zeng, Wang, Liu, Huang, Li, and Wang, 2021, Zootaxa, 4927: 13.

Megophrys (Xenophrys) palpebralespinosaDubois and Ohler, 1998, Dumerilia, 4: 14.

Xenophrys palpebralespinosaOhler, 2003, Alytes, 21: 23, by implication; Delorme, Dubois, Grosjean, and Ohler, 2006, Alytes, 24: 17; Chen, Zhou, Poyarkov, Stuart, Brown, Lathrop, Wang, Yuan, Jiang, Hou, Chen, Suwannapoom, Nguyen, Duong, Papenfuss, Murphy, Zhang, and Che, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 106: 41.

Megophrys latidactyla Orlov, Poyarkov, and Nguyen, 2015, Russ. J. Herpetol., 22: 208. Holotype: ZISP 12182, by original designation. Type locality: "upper part of Bu Stream, Xam Liem Mountain, Pu Mat National Park, Con Cuong District, Nghe An Province, north Vietnam, altitude 820 m a.s.l." Synonymy by Wu, Suwannapoom, Poyarkov, Chen, Pawangkhanant, Xu, Jin, Murphy, and Che, 2019, Zool. Res., Kunming, 40: 572. 

Xenophrys latidactyla — Chen, Zhou, Poyarkov, Stuart, Brown, Lathrop, Wang, Yuan, Jiang, Hou, Chen, Suwannapoom, Nguyen, Duong, Papenfuss, Murphy, Zhang, and Che, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 106: 41.

Megophrys (Panophrys) latidactyla — Mahony, Foley, Biju, and Teeling, 2017, Mol. Biol. Evol., 34: 755. 

Xenophrys (Xenophrys) palpebralespinosa — Fei and Ye, 2016, Amph. China, 1: 694. 

Xenophrys (Panophrys) palpebralespinosa — Chen, Zhou, Poyarkov, Stuart, Brown, Lathrop, Wang, Yuan, Jiang, Hou, Chen, Suwannapoom, Nguyen, Duong, Papenfuss, Murphy, Zhang, and Che, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 109: 41.

Megophrys (Panophrys) palpebralespinosa — Mahony, Foley, Biju, and Teeling, 2017, Mol. Biol. Evol., 34: 755. 

Boulenophrys palpebralespinosa — Dubois, Ohler, and Pyron, 2021, Megataxa, 5: 414 (by implication); Qi, Lyu, Wang, Mo, Zeng, Zeng, Dai, Li, Grismer, and Wang, 2021, Zootaxa, 5072: 404.

Common Names

Spiny Horned Toad (Poyarkov, Nguyen, Popov, Geissler, Pawangkhanant, Neang, Suwannapoom, and Orlov, 2021, Russ. J. Herpetol., 28 (3A): 37). 

Tonkin Spadefoot Toad (Frank and Ramus, 1995, Compl. Guide Scient. Common Names Amph. Rept. World: 86; Nguyen, Ho, and Nguyen, 2005, Checklist Amph. Rept. Vietnam: 15).

Rough-skinned Horned Toad (Fei, 1999, Atlas Amph. China: 120).

Wide-toed Horned Frog (Megophrys latidactyla [no longer recognized]: Orlov, Poyarkov, and Nguyen, 2015, Russ. J. Herpetol., 22: 208). 


Border area of northern Vietnam (Dien Bien, Ha Giang, Nghe An, Son La, and Lao Cai provinces in the North southwards through Tanh Hoa to Gia Lai Province) and adjacent Yunnan and extreme western Guangxi, China, and Phongsaly, Houaphan, and Xiangkhouang Provinces, Laos, 1100 to 2070 m elevation. 

Geographic Occurrence

Natural Resident: China, People's Republic of, Laos, Vietnam


See accounts by Bourret, 1942, Batr. Indochine: 204-205; Liu and Hu, 1961, Tailless Amph. China: 57; Yang, 1991, Amph. Fauna of Yunnan: 58-60; and Fei, 1999, Atlas Amph. China: 120-121. Nguyen, Ho, and Nguyen, 2005, Checklist Amph. Rept. Vietnam: 15, provided specific localities for Vietnam and (p. 147) a photograph. In the Megophrys parva group of Fei, Ye, Huang, Jiang, and Xie, 2005, in Fei et al. (eds.), Illust. Key Chinese Amph.: 82. Stuart, 2005, Herpetol. Rev., 36: 474, provided the Laos record. Yang, 2008, in Yang and Rao (ed.), Amph. Rept. Yunnan: 29-30, provided a brief account for Yunnan, China. Mo, Zhou, Xie, and Chen, 2007, Herpetol. Sinica, 11: 15-18, reported the species in Guangxi, China. Fei, Hu, Ye, and Huang, 2009, Fauna Sinica, Amph. 2: 461-464, provided an account for China and spot map. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2010, Colored Atlas of Chinese Amph.: 204, provided a brief account including photographs of specimens and habitat. Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2012, Colored Atlas Chinese Amph. Distr.: 232, provided an account, photographs, and a range map for China. Fei and Ye, 2016, Amph. China, 1: 694–695, provided an account, photogrphs, and dot map, as Xenophrys palpebralespinosa. Teynié, Nguyen, Lorvelec, Piquet, Lottier, and David, 2014, Bull. Soc. Herpetol. France, 151: 28, provided a record from Houaphan Province, Laos, and discussed the range. Luong, Nguyen, Le, Nguyen, and Nguyen, 2019, Herpetol. Notes, 12: 375–387, provided records from Dien Bien Province, Vietnam, and discussed the range and natural history. Tapley, Cutajar, Mahony, Nguyen, Dau, Nguyen, Luong, and Rowley, 2017, Zootaxa, 4344: 468, provided a genetically-confirmed record from Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Nguyen, Brakels, Maury, Sudavanh, Pawangkhanant, Idiiatullina, Lorphengsy, Inkhavilay, Suwannapoom, and Poyarkov, 2020, Amph. Rept. Conserv., 14 (2: e248): 218–249, discussed the range and provided the record from Xiangkhouang Province, Laos. Lyu, Qi, Wang, Zhang, Zhao, Zeng, Wan, Yang, Mo, and Wang, 2023, Zool. Res., Kunming, 44: 420–421, provided an account and placed the species in their Boulenophrys omeimontis group. Pham, Nguyen, Tran, Le, Nguyen, Nguyen, Pham, Dang, and Doan, 2023, VNU J. Sci. Earth Environ. Sci., 39: 53–61, provided a record for Son La Province, Vietnam. Stuart, Seateun, Sivongxay, and Phimmachak, 2025 "2024", in Wildlife Lao PDR: 24, briefly summarized literature, taxonomy, habitat, and range for Laos. 

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