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Sarcohyla Duellman, Marion, and Hedges, 2016
Sarcohyla Duellman, Marion, and Hedges, 2016, Zootaxa, 4104: 18. Type species: Cauphias crassus Brocchi, 1877.
Common Names
None noted.
Montane Mexico from Durango and Nayarit in the west and San Luis Potosí in the east south to Guerrero, Mexico, primarily in pristine habitats along streams in pine-oak woodland, generally rom 1500 to 3100 m elevation.
Caldwell, 1974, Occas. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas, 28: 1–37, defined and discussed the Hyla bistincta group. Toal and Mendelson, 1995, Occas. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist. Univ. Kansas, 174: 1-20, provided a key to the Hyla bistincta group. The former Hyla bistincta group has long asserted to be monophyletic, but as yet no one has presented evidence for this except based on a small subset of the included taxa. Kaplan, Heimes, Zarza, and McCormack, 2016, Caldasia, 38: 257–273, noted that of the species not addressed in the molecular analysis of Duellman, Marion, and Hedges, 2016, Zootaxa, 4104: 1–109, four species do not share the morphological synapomorphy of thick skin suggested by Duellman et al. to diagnose their Sarcohyla (the old Hyla bistincta group) plus Plectrohyla (sensu stricto). The species with thin skin are Sarcohyla charadricola, Sarcohyla chryses, Sarcohyla sabrina, and Sarcohyla thorectes, which, were there no contrary evidence would suggest that they reside outside of the group composed of the remaining Sarcohyla + Plectrohyla. However, Kaplan et al. provided a very weakly supported ML tree of 421 bp of cytb, that at least one of these thin-skinned species, Sarcohyla chryses is most closely related to a thick-skinned species, Sarcohyla mykter. Caviedes-Solis and Nieto-Montes de Oca, 2017, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 118: 184–193, provided a multilocus phylogeny of the species of Sarcohyla, finding it monophyletic, although not able to include seven of the species in the analysis, of which 5 are in the thick-skinned group (Sarcohyla calvicollina, Sarcohyla cyanomma, Sarcohyla labedactyla, Sarcohyla pachyderma, and Sarcohyla psarosema) and 2 are in the thin-skinned group (Sarcohyla charadricola and Sarcohyla sabrina. Faivovich, Pereyra, Luna, Hertz, Blotto, Vásquez-Almazán, McCranie, Sánchez, Baêta, Araujo-Vieira, Köhler, Kubicki, Campbell, Frost, Wheeler, and Haddad, 2018, S. Am. J. Herpetol., 13: 13–14, discussed the monophyly of this taxon and suggested that it is tentative. Zarza, Connors, Maley, Tsai, Heimes, Kaplan, and McCormack, 2018, PeerJ, 6(e6045): 1–25, reported on cryptic lineages within Sarcohyla.
Contained taxa (26 sp.):
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